• How to choose a strong password?

    Passwords are our first and best line of defense against unauthorized access to our online information. If your Plano ISD password is hacked, a bad actor could gain access to Plano ISD services that are not yet protected by multifactor authentication.

    When creating your password, please follow these guidelines:

    1. Length (Preferably 12 or more): The longer your password, the more secure.
    2. Use a passphrase when creating a strong and unique PISD password!

    Create a passphrase by starting with a short phrase say "I love teaching Mathematics"  and:

      • Replace letters with numbers or symbols (e.g., "@" for "a", "3" for "e").
      • Use at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character (e.g ! @ # $ % ^ &)
      • Abbreviate some words (e.g., "I love teaching Mathematics" becomes "IL0v3T3@ch!nM@th").

    This method strengthens the passphrase while keeping it personal and easier to remember.


    Don’t choose these:

    • Passwords shorter than 10 characters.
    • Common words, phrases, or personal information.
    • Words or phrases lacking a mix of uppercase/lowercase letters, numbers, or punctuation.
    • Your name in any form (first, middle, last, maiden, nickname, initials, or reversed).
    • ID numbers, login names, license plate numbers, or Social Security numbers.
    • Personal details like phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, or anniversaries.
    • A single common name (e.g., school, relative, friend, or pet names).
    • A single word (in any language) unless used in combination as a passphrase.
    • A single word with a digit, punctuation mark, up arrow, or space at the beginning or end.