- Plano Independent School District
- Bond Programs
2008 Bond Task Force Scope & Time Line
In September, 2007, the Plano ISD Board of Trustees established a Task Force on Facilities and Technology to study the capital needs of the school district. Members were nominated utilizing the following formula.
- All task force members are residents of the school district.
- Each of the seven school trustees appointed one task force member.
- The chair of the task force was selected in light of the following factors:
- Commitment to public education
- Interest in Plano ISD
- Leadership ability and experience in planning and group facilitation
- Objectivity
- Ten members representing:Two Plano Chamber of Commerce representatives
- Two PTA Presidents Council representatives
- Two Plano Principals Association representatives
- Two Plano teachers, one elementary and one secondary
- Two citizens with technology backgrounds
- District officials pertinent to this study will serve in an advisory capacity.
Task Force Members
Phil Dyer - Chairman
Brian Anhalt
Nathan Barbera
John Bock
Sara Bonser
Renee Bueche
Ann Boswell - Alternate Chair
Kyle Carlson
Bob Garrey
Tammy McSwain
Bart Ridley
Barbara Roselli
Karen Schultz
Karen Shepherd
Berk Smith
Len Stevens
Kyle Walters
District Contacts (162k)
Study Areas
- Construction of new facilities to accommodate growth.
- Repair and renovation of schools to enable them to operate more efficiently and to
- allow the delivery of the current instructional program.
- Repair and/or replacement of major building systems and equipment that are
- unreliable and costly to operate.
- Additions to existing facilities to accommodate increased enrollment or programmatic
- needs.
- Technology needs to address current programs, replacement schedules and future
- programmatic issues.
The group analyzed data and recommended priorities for a future bond election. The district maintains an extensive facilities database, which was available to the task force. The task force framed its priorities in a fashion that met district needs through 2012. Specifically, the charge to the Task Force included:
- Conducting a comprehensive analysis of information related to PISD facilities, including selected onsite reviews of previous and proposed projects.
- Reviewing future enrollment trends and projections.
- Establishing construction, renovation and site acquisition needs.
- Validating cost projections to meet analyzed needs, taking into account inflationary trends.
- Reviewing the District’s needs with regard to technology and other capital items identified.
Time Line
- August 7, 2007 Board approval of Task Force Plan
- September 4, 2007 Board approval of appointment to Task Force
- September 27, 2007 Task Force organizational meeting
- November 20, 2007 Interim report to Board
- February 19, 2008 Board consideration of task force recommendations – work session
- March 4, 2008 Call Election – Board of Trustees
- May 10, 2008 Bond Election