• Spanish Courses

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    Spanish Courses

    Course: 501401 YR
    Spanish I
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Course ID:  501401
    Course Name: Spanish I
    Credit: 1
    Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): Spanish I

    What's Next: Spanish II

    Spanish I is an introduction to Spanish language and culture. Students in this course will develop speaking, writing, and reading proficiency on topics dealing with the everyday life of a student. Students will be guided in recognizing the interrelationships of between cultures and will be able to identify cultural perspectives and practices of the Spanish speaking world.The focus of this course is developing novice mid –novice high proficiency. This course is conducted in Spanish a significant amount of time.

    Course: 502401 YR
    Spanish II
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Course ID:  502401
    Course Name: Spanish II
    Credit: 1
    Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): Spanish I

    What's Next: Spanish III Honors

    Spanish II continues to introduce students to Spanish language and culture. Students in this course will develop speaking, writing, and reading proficiency on topics expanded to include life outside of school and in the real world. Students will be guided in recognizing the interrelationships of between cultures and will be able to identify cultural perspectives and practices of the Spanish speaking world.The focus of this course is developing novice high –intermediate low proficiency. This course is conducted in Spanish a significant amount of time.

    Course: 503401 YR
    Spanish III Honors
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Course ID:  503401
    Course Name: Spanish III Honors
    Credit: 1
    Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): Spanish II

    What's Next: Spanish IV Honors

    Spanish III Honors introduces students to content–based thematic learning. Students in this course will continue to develop speaking, writing, and reading proficiency as they work with real–life issues, topics, and concerns in specific contexts. Use of applicable resources will allow local and global cultural perspectives within each context.Students in this course will be expected to expand their vocabulary and increase the complexity of their products by owning their own learning, implementing personal and self–selected vocabulary, and demonstrating an ability to respond to tasks requiring high cognition and creative thinking. The expected outcome of this course is developing intermediate low–mid proficiency. This course is conducted predominantly in Spanish.

    Course: 504401 YR
    AP Spanish IV
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Course ID:  504401
    Course Name: AP Spanish IV
    Credit: 1
    Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): Spanish III Honors

    What's Next: AP Spanish V

    AP Spanish IV prepares students to demonstrate intermediate mid–high proficiency across the full range of language skills within a cultural frame of reference. Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the target culture, incorporate interdisciplinary topics, make cultural comparisons, and communicate in a variety of settings.Using current events, global viewpoints and cultural literature, integrated resources, and content–based instruction, students will develop an increased awareness in the products, practices, and perspectives of the Spanish speaking world. The expected outcome of this course is developing intermediate mid –intermediate high proficiency and to prepare students for success on the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. This course is conducted in Spanish.

    Course: 505451 YR
    AP Spanish V
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 11, 12
    Course ID:  505451
    Course Name: AP Spanish V
    Credit: 1
    Grade Placement: 11, 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): AP Spanish IV

    What's Next: NONE

    AP Spanish V is designed to provide students with an introduction to Peninsular and Latin American literature. Students will be expected to focus on literary, poetry, and text analysis, and be able to explicate diverse genres of literature as well as wide variety types of discourse. The expanded timeline will enable students to trace the history of Spanish prose from Don Juan Manuel to modern times.The expected outcome of this course is developing intermediate high –advanced mid proficiency and to prepare students for success on the AP Spanish Literature Exam. This course is conducted in Spanish.

    Course: 504431 YR
    Spanish IV Honors
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Course ID:  504431
    Course Name: Spanish IV Honors
    Credit: 1
    Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): Spanish III Honors

    What's Next: AP Spanish V

    Spanish IV Honors continues content-based thematic learning. Students in this course will continue to develop speaking, listening, writing, and reading proficiency as they use their language skills in real-world contexts while deepening their understanding of Hispanic cultures. Students will expand their vocabulary and increase the complexity of their products by owning their learning.The expected outcome of this course is developing intermediate mid to intermediate high proficiency. This course is conducted predominantly in Spanish and will prepare students to excel in advanced Spanish studies.

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