• Grades 9-12 TEKS Positive Character Traits


Grades 9-12 Standards

  • Trustworthiness

    The ability to understand how trustworthiness is viewed in society, politics, and the local and global community. 

    Trustworthiness traits include loyalty, integrity, reliability, and punctuality. 

    • Examine how the power to make decisions relates to personal actions.
    • Analyze how the decisions and actions of leaders in society, politics, and the local and global community demonstrate integrity.
    • Examine the legal and social consequences of unethical behavior. 

  • Responsibility

    The ability to understand how leaders demonstrate responsibility in relationships, families, societies, politics, and the global community. 

    Responsibility traits include accountability, perseverance, diligence, and self-control.

    • Identify and describe personal role models who demonstrate what it means to be accountable for words and actions. 
    • Identify and discuss real-world examples of taking personal responsibility for one's words and actions.
    • Identify and evaluate strategies for practicing self-control in a variety of situations.
    • Define perseverance and identify strategies for demonstrating perseverance. 

  • Caring

    The ability to understand how characteristics of caring influence society and impact the global community.

    Caring traits include kindness, empathy, charity, generosity, patience, consideration, and compassion.

    • Evaluate one's personal attitudes and mindsets about self and others.
    • Discuss how feelings, decision-making, and personal behaviors impact relationships within society.
    • Identify strategies for how a person can show empathy through one's actions. 
    • Identify strategies for how a person can show empathy through one's actions. 

  • Citizenship

    The ability to understand how the character trait of citizenship influences our personal view of society and the local and global community.

    Citizenship traits include respect, courtesy, concern for the common good and the community, fairness, freedom from prejudice, justice, patriotism, school pride, respect for authority and law, and gratitude. 

    • Explain the impact of personal actions on the family, school, and local and global community.
    • Practices the roles and responsibilities of citizenship in a variety of settings.
    • Apply conflict resolution skills.
    • Participate in constructive dialogues with those of differing viewpoints. 

Grades 9-12 Positive Character Traits Curriculum

  • TEKS Positive Character Strands