• Plano ISD Family Access

    Skyward Family Access logo

    Parents with registered Family Access accounts can log in and access:

    Grades  |  Student Registration  |  Emergency Card | STAAR & Performance Data  |  Immunization 

    and other information about their students.

    Family Access Login

  • live_help  Get Assistance

    email Email Family Access 
    Please includeStudent's name, Student ID, & Campus

    phone Call the PISD Helpdesk: 469-752-8767 
    Hours: Mon - Friday: 7AM - 5PM

Family Access Account Registration

  • input Family Access Registration

  • How Do I Register for Skyward Family Access

    Register for an Account

    1. Go to the Family Access login screen.
    2. Click “Register for a Family Access Account”.

    Family Access home screen

    1. You will be automatically directed to Family Access Registration. All fields are required
      1. Enter Email -
        • New Students - Enter the email for the parents.
        • Current Students - Enter the parent’s current email listed on your student’s Emergency Card
      2. Enter the parent’s legal first name.
      3. Enter the parent’s legal last name.

    Family Access Registration screen

    1. Click Submit Registration.
    2. A confirmation screen will display and an email is sent with additional information.

      Confirmation email screenshot
    3. Check your email. Please check junk or spam folders.


    Claim Your Account

    1. Go to the Claim My Account screen.
    1. Enter Email Address used to create the account
      Enter Claim Code received in the email. Note: Claim code expires in 4 days.
      All fields are required.

    2. Click “Next”.
    3. Create Password. Enter the password in both the New Password and Verify Password fields.
      Password should be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 of each of the following:
      • Upper case character
      • Lower case character
      • Number
      • Special character (e.g. !@#$%^&*)

      1. Click “Next”.
      2. Claim Account Complete screen will appear.
      3. Close the window and log in with your new password.

    • account_circle Account Questions

    • What if I don't have an email account?

      An email is required to create a Family Access account. Parents can use any email account from any provider. 

      Plano ISD staff must use a personal (non-PISD) account.

      View the video for an example of how to create a gmail account.

    • I received an email that my account was denied. What do I need to do?

      Denials may occur for several reasons. Please ensure the following:

      • Your first and last name should be your legal first and last name 
        • If you prefer Beth rather than Elizabeth, please note your account must be created using your legal name
      • Your email address cannot be a Plano ISD email address (for Plano ISD employees)
      • Your email address must be unique to you
        • Parents sharing email addresses should contact the campus to update their email address before proceeding to attempt to register again
      • You must be associated to the student as a parent or guardian

      If you have followed these instructions, but continue to receive a denial in claiming your account, please contact familyaccess@pisd.edu

    • How do I change my email address?

      You can change your email address by following the steps below. This will change your login name for the parent portal, within Skyward Family Access, and the contact information used by School Messenger.

      1. Go to the Family Access login screen and log in.
      2. In the upper right-hand corner, click on the Profile icon.
      3. Click Profile.
      4. Click Edit.
      5. Type your new email address in the Change Email Address box.
      6. Click Save.

    • How do I change my address in Skyward?

      Any current Plano ISD family that needs to change their address must provide a new proof of residency to your students’ campus. 

    • How do I add a missing student to my account?

      If you are missing a student(s) on your Family Access account, please follow the steps below.

      1. Send an email to familyaccess@pisd.edu.
      2. Include the following information:
        • Your name.
        • Your Family Access email address.
        • Student Name and ID of the student that appears in Family Access.
        • The Student Name and ID of the student(s) that is missing from Family Access.

    • help_outline Scheduling / Grades

    • How do I view my students schedule in Skyward?

      Viewing Student Schedules

      • To view student’s daily schedule, select the Schedule tile from the Skyward dashboard.
      • Student’s class schedule will show their schedule matrix for each day of the week and what subjects they are in for each period of the day. 

      By clicking on a class, parents can view all details about the class, including:

      • Time & building/classroom location of the class,
      • Teacher name and email address
      • Days the class meets each week
      • Enrollment dates student is scheduled in the course

      Elementary students

      • Student’s daily rotation for their specials/AMPED rotations (Art/Music/PE) will be shown.  

      Viewing Options

      You can select the view you would like from the pull down menu at the top.

      All Year

      Displays the full schedule for both semesters, including any schedule changes. 

      Secondary: Grades 9-12

      Semester only classes will show the two different classes in the same period by the semester taken. 

      In the event of a schedule change, you will see all classes the student has been enrolled in this school year.

      Weekly Schedule

      Weekly schedule has options to choose a month and a week within that month to see their current schedule for the week chosen.

      Additional Options

      In the upper right-hand corner of the screen are several options:

      • Print Schedule List - opens a screen with student’s schedule in list format.  
      • Print All Schedule Matrices - downloads all five days of your student’s schedule in the graphic format on a single page.
      • Settings - allows ability to increase or decrease the size of the schedule matrices
      • Legend - show the meaning of the different colored sections seen on the schedule matrix, including
        • An Adjusted Section - a course with scheduled dates less than the entire semester
        • A Dropped Section - a course that student was previously enrolled in

    • Can my student view their schedules/grades?

      Yes. Students will be able to view the Student Portal from their webdesk using their existing Plano ISD student login information.

      Students do not need to create a Family Access account. 

    • How do I view progress reports, report cards, attendance reports, etc.?

      Accessing Report Cards, Progress Reports, and Attendance Letters

      Student Portfolio

      When attendance letters, progress reports, and report cards are posted to Family Access, parents/guardians receive a notification through the message center. 

      To access the document

      1. Go to the student module
      2. Select portfolio
      3. Provide an electronic signature prior to accessing the document.
      4. Once the electronic signature is provided, a download icon appears. This will download the PDF and allow parent/guardian to view the document.

    • How do I set up notifications?

      Setting Up Parent / Guardian Notifications

      Grading and Attendance Notifications

      1. Go to the Family Access login screen and log in.
      2. Go to My Messages.
        Screenshot with My Messages selected
      3. Click the Settings button on the top right of the inbox.
        My Messages settings icon
      4. Use the checkboxes to deactivate any unwanted notifications. Every notification is automatically activated for email and mobile app.
        Guardian notification setting options. Use to customize notifications

      5. Click Save Changes.
        Guardian Notification Settings Save Changes
      6. Gradebook notifications can be adjusted by selecting the cog under additional settings.
      7. Set thresholds to the desired grade.
        All available thresholds
      8. Click Save.
        Save button for threshold setting

    • I am not able to see any of her previous years' data like report cards, attendance reports, etc

      Previous year information can be obtained by contacting your campus directly.

    • check_box Attendance

    • input  Annual Registration

    • What is the difference between New Student Enrollment and Annual Registration?

      New Student Enrollment

      The online enrollment process is only for new students that have not been enrolled in Plano ISD or previously withdrawn students.

      Annual Registration 

      The online annual registration is for any Plano ISD student that was enrolled on the last day of the previous school year.

    • How do I complete my students annual registration forms?

      Annual Registration

      1. Go to the Family Access login screen.
      2. Enter the email address for your account.
        Family Access login screen showing where to enter username
      3. Click “Go”.
      4. Enter the password for your account
        Family Access screen showing where to enter password
      5. Click “Go”.
      6. From the Launchpad, click on the Skyward icon.
        Family Access Launchpad with icons for information.
      7. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the house icon.
      8. From the menu, click “Family Access”.
        Family Access home dropdown menu
      9. Students enrolled should now be visible.
      10. Click on the "Annual Registration Forms" icon to complete forms for each student.

    • I cannot edit certain information on the annual registration forms. Who do I contact?

      Skyward only allows the primary family to edit certain information, such as health conditions.

      The primary family is most often the family associated with where the student is residing.

      If you are the primary family and still unable to edit health information, please contact your campus for assistance in editing you to be the primary family.

    • mail  Communication

    • How can I message my student's teacher?

      Responding to Teacher's Message

      Parents/guardians can respond to any messages received through the Family Access Message Center.

      1. Go to the Family Access login screen and log in.
      2. Go to My Messages.
        Screenshot with My Messages selected
      3. Select the message you wish to reply to.
      4. Click Reply.

      Contacting Teacher

      If parents/guardians would like to contact a teacher directly, email is best. Teacher emails can be found by selecting the grading or schedule tiles.
      More information including teacher email highlighted.

      Grading Tile

      Family Access grading tile

      • Click on the specific course to display more information, including teacher email.
        Screenshot of class under grades

      Schedule Tile

      Family Access grading tile

      • Click on the specific course to display more information, including teacher email.
        Screenshot of student schedule with class highlighted.

    • I'm not receiving email or phone calls from the Plano ISD

      Emails and phone calls from Plano ISD Schoolmessenger or Plano ISD digital news emails 

      If you are not getting phone calls or emails from Plano ISD Schoolmessenger or Plano ISD digital news emails, please try these steps before contacting familyaccess@pisd.edu.

      1. Check your junk/spam/clutter email folder. 
      2. Add pisd.edu and schoolmessenger.com as safe senders on your email account.  
      3. The district uses the contact information in Skyward Family Access to contact you through SchoolMessenger and Digital News.   
        • Email - a valid email address that you can access.
        • Phone Numbers
      4. Verify that you have not unsubscribed specific broadcast types from Plano ISD School Messenger emails, phone calls, text.  
        • SchoolMessenger Guide
        • If you ever unsubscribed from all, your email was blocked by Schoolmessenger and you must contact the district to get your email unblocked.  
      5. If you still are not receiving emails or phone calls or you previously unsubscribed from all broadcast types, please email familyaccess@pisd.edu. Include the following:
        1. Email address - the email address that is on the Emergency Card.
        2. Student Name(s)
        3. Student ID(s)

      * updates take overnight to get to our calling/systems.