• Substitutes

  • Substitutes may enroll in a TRS-ActiveCare medical plan by paying the full premium cost. The District's contribution does not apply for substitutes.

    To be eligible, a substitute must be:

    • currently employed by Plano ISD; and
    • working 10 or more regularly scheduled hours each week; and
    • not receiving health care coverage as an employee or retiree under (i) the Texas State College and University Employees Uniform Insurance Benefits Act (e.g. coverage offered by The University of Texas System or the Texas A&M University System), (ii) the Texas Employees Uniform Group Insurance Benefits Act (e.g. coverage offered by ERS); or (iii) TRS-Care.

    When can I enroll?

    • Within the first 31 days of working 10 or more hours in a week
        • coverage begins on the 1st of the month after you start working enough hours
    • Within 31 days of a qualifying change in status (for example, an involuntary loss of other coverage)
        • coverage begins on the 1st of the month after the qualifying event
    • During the annual open enrollment period
        • coverage begins September 1, the start of the new plan year

    Because the deadlines vary for each of these situations, it is extremely important that you contact the benefits department immediately to discuss enrollment.

    How do I enroll?

    Contact the benefits department as soon as possible. We'll confirm your eligibility and provide instructions on how to enroll either using our web portal or an enrollment form.

    Plan Details for 2024-2025

    Medical plan summaries & costs

    How are payroll deductions calculated?

    Health Insurance Marketplace Notice


  • Contact Us
    Benefits and Risk Management Department
    (469) 752-8138
    Fax (469) 752-8036

    6301 Chapel Hill Blvd
    Plano, Texas 75093
    8 am - 5 pm, Monday to Friday

    Employee Service Center
    View "My Benefits Information"