• Board Meeting Public Comment & Other Information

    The public comment online sign up period for regular meetings and work sessions is open from 8:00 a.m. until one hour prior to the start of the meeting on the day of the meeting, unless otherwise noted in the meeting agenda.* For all other board meetings, online sign-up will be available from 8:00 a.m. until one hour prior to the start of the meeting on the business day prior to the scheduled meeting, unless otherwise noted in the meeting agenda. A device will be available in the lobby of the Plano ISD Administration Building during the sign-up period for individuals who do not have computer or mobile phone access.

    * Please note that the process for accepting public comment submissions may be adjusted for any given meeting, which will be detailed in the meeting agenda. Guidelines outlined in the meeting agenda supersede guidelines posted on this web page. Public comment submissions are not transferrable to other speakers. 


    Link to online public comment form    

  • Regular Meeting

    Regular Board Meetings are normally held on the first Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise posted. 

    Guidelines for Public Comments at a Regular Board Meeting

    • Public comment sign-up will be available online from 8:00 a.m. until one hour prior to the start of the meeting on the day of the posted meeting, unless otherwise noted in the meeting agenda.*
      (*Please note that the process for accepting public comment submissions may be adjusted for any given meeting, which will be detailed in the meeting agenda. Guidelines outlined in the meeting agenda supersede guidelines posted on this web page.)
    • Submission requests are not transferable to other speakers.
    • Citizens may address agenda or non-agenda items in their public comments at Regular Board Meetings.
    • Comments addressing agenda items will be heard at the beginning of the meeting prior to the Board's consideration of the agenda item.
    • Comments related to non-agenda items will be heard at the end of the Regular Board Meeting.
    • Speakers may have up to three minutes to address the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes.
    • Public comment may not be used to voice a complaint involving the naming of specific individuals, including but not limited to the names of district employees or students. Additionally, no information that may be reasonably linked to an individual person may be spoken about during public comment.

  • Work Session

    Board Work Sessions are normally held on the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise posted. Reports are provided to the Board during Work Sessions and information is discussed. Board action may be taken if necessary and when included on the notice.    

    Guidelines for Public Comments at a Board Work Session

    • Public comment sign-up will be available from 8:00 a.m. until one hour prior to the start of the meeting on the day of the posted meeting, unless otherwise noted in the meeting agenda.* 
      (*Please note that the process for accepting public comment submissions may be adjusted for any given meeting, which will be detailed in the meeting agenda. Guidelines outlined in the meeting agenda supersede guidelines posted on this web page.)

    • Submission requests are not transferable to other speakers.

    • Citizens may address agenda items in their public comments at Board Work Sessions. Comments related to non-agenda items are reserved for the Regular Board Meeting, typically held on the first Tuesday of each month.

    • Comments addressing agenda items will be heard at the beginning of the meeting prior to the Board's consideration of the agenda item.

    • Speakers may have up to three minutes to address the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes.

  • Special Meeting

    Special Called Meetings are held at the President's discretion as necessary. Action may be taken with proper notice.

    Guidelines for Public Comments at a Special Meeting

    • Public comment sign-up will be available online from 8:00 a.m. until one hour before the start of the meeting on the business day prior to the scheduled meeting, unless otherwise noted in the meeting agenda.* 
      (*Please note that the process for accepting public comment submissions may be adjusted for any given meeting, which will be detailed in the meeting agenda. Guidelines outlined in the meeting agenda supersede guidelines posted on this web page.)

    • Submission requests are not transferable to other speakers.

    • Citizens may address agenda items in their public comments at Special Called Meetings. Comments related to non-agenda items are reserved for the Regular Board Meeting, typically held on the first Tuesday of each month.

    • Comments addressing agenda items will be heard at the beginning of the meeting prior to the Board's consideration of the agenda item.

    • Speakers may have up to three minutes to address the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes.

  • Emergency Meeting

    The Board President shall call an emergency meeting when it is determined that an emergency or urgent public necessity, as defined by law, warrants the meeting. Notice of the meeting must be given at least one hour before the meeting is convened. Action may be taken with proper notice.

  • Closed Session

    Notice of all meetings shall provide for the possibility of a Closed Session during an Open Meeting, in accordance with law. The Board may conduct a Closed Session when the agenda subject is one that may properly be discussed in Closed Session.  

  • Public Forum

    A Public Forum is a meeting to listen to public input. A forum may address a specific topic or may be a general information session to receive public input. This meeting may be held at individual schools or in the community. No action may be taken.

  • Retreat

    A Retreat is a planning meeting between Board Members and staff which could include a training session for Board Members. Action may be taken with proper notice.

Meeting Times and Location

  • All meetings are held in the Board Room unless posted otherwise.

    Plano ISD Administration Center
    2700 W. 15th Street
    Plano, TX 75075

    • Regular Board Meetings  - 5:30 pm (unless posted otherwise)
    • Work Session Meetings -  5:30 p.m. (unless posted otherwise)
    • Special Called Meetings - As posted

    event View Upcoming Meeting Dates

  • If you require assistance in accessing or participating in an upcoming Board meeting, public comment or the live-streaming platform due to a disability, please contact Rina Nittolo, 469-752-8985, to request possible, reasonable accommodations. Plano ISD values engagement from all community stakeholders.