Phone: 469-752-9110


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Music Education - UNT

Mr. Jeremy Rohwer

I am beginning my third year as the Assistant Choir Director here at Plano East. I graduated from the University of North Texas in the Spring of 2022 with a undergraduate degree in Music Education. Both of my parents are musicians and still teach music, and my brother is working on finishing his music degree from UNT, so I have a very musical family! 

I'm incredibly excited to have the opportunity to help lead the choir program here at Plano East. We're going to have a tremendous year, and I can't wait to get started with our students and experience many amazing moments this year!

Go East Choir!

Teacher Schedule

  • 1st period: Conference

    2nd period: TrebleMakers (pop/jazz female) 

    3rd period: Sound Invention (pop/jazz mixed) 

    4th period: Concert Choir (Varsity Mixed Choir (auditioned)) 

    5th period: Kantorei (Non-Varsity Women's Choir)

    6th period: Bella Voce (9th/10th grade IB Treble Choir)

    7th period: Conference

Tutorial Schedule

  • By appointment only