

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Candice Bryson

Hi, I’m Candice Bryson.  I teach chemistry. There aren’t a lot of subjects a high school student hasn't taken some form of before, i.e. math, history, English, music, etc., and while those subjects are so valuable in many ways, a first look at something has the potential to spark joy and excitement-that’s why I LOVE teaching chemistry. Another great aspect of chem is that it is math-based. We get to draw on the skills students have been honing since kindergarten and apply them to real-world phenomena. For some students, this might seem a bit daunting but I, and the rest of the science team, will be there every step of the way, and as I like to say chem…is…try.  Just try, put forth a valiant effort and it will carry you through.  I’m so excited to be back in the classroom and to watch students' eyes light up when something clicks. A quick bit about me: when I’m not doing school work I love to spend time with my family and my puppy Hera, trying to grow a garden (miserable at it but not giving up yet), knit, and waterski. It’s going to be a GREAT year!



  • 1st Period    IH Chemistry

    2nd Period   IH Chemistry

    3rd Period    IB Chemsitry HL

    4th Period    IH Chemistry

    5th Period    IB Chemistry SL

    6th Period    Conference

    7th Period    IB Chemistry SL

  • Tutorial Schedule


    Monday Morning Room B3-206

    Wednesdays A lunch B5-203

    Wednesdays After School B3-206

    Thursday Morning Room B3-206

    Friday A Lunch  B5-203



    Wednesdays A lunch B5-203

    Friday A Lunch  B5-203