Phone: 469-752-9241


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor Of Music education- UNT Masters in Curriculum and Instruction- UNT Music- All levels-K-12

Mr. Daniel Knight

I am currently starting my 20th year as the Director of Choral Activities at Plano East. I have spent my entire 25 year teaching career in Plano ISD and have also taught at Williams HS, Clark HS, and Plano Sr. High.

I have a lovely, supportive wife and four beautiful children.  I am excited about getting the 2024-2025 year started.  We are going to have a great year with many experiences and memories to last a lifetime.

Go EAST Choir!



  • 1st period- Conference 

    2nd period- TrebleMakers ( pop/jazz female) 

    3rd period- Sound Invention ( pop/jazz mixed) 

    4th period- Concert Choir- Varsity Mixed Choir (auditioned) 

    5th period- Kantorei- Non-Varsity Women's Choir

    6th period- Bella Voce  

    7th period- Conference



  • By appointment only