Phone: (469) 752-9000, ext. 39035


Degrees and Certifications:

I am certified to teach ELA in grades 6-12 I have a Bachelor's Degree in English and a Master's Degree in Humanities.

Mrs. Lauren Thompson

I have been teaching since 1998, when I earned my bachelors in English from the University of North Texas. In 2006 I earned my masters in literature from the University of Texas at Dallas. I also teach ENGL 1301 and ENGL 2311 in the summer and the evenings at Collin College. In my free time, I love spending time with my family, reading new books, and baking for others.

  • My Schedule and Google Classroom Codes:

    0 Hour - Dual Credit ENGL 1301/1302 (ksnvifi)

    1st Period - Dual Credit ENGL 1301/1302 (od4tj7h)

    2nd Period - Dual Credit ENGL 1301/1302 (53v66yf)

    3rd Period - AP English 3 (hi2ugz4)

    4th Period - Conference

    5th Period - AP English 4 (xh7evkm)

    6th Period - AP English 4 (tkrhnuh)



    Tuesdays/Thursdays from 7:30-8:45 and Mondays/Wednesdays during lunch.


    Remind Codes:

    AP English 3: ThompAP3

    Dual Credit: pesh-dc