Books for Kids

  •  Writing Right: A Story about dysgraphia

    Writing Right: A Story About Dysgraphia

    by Cassandra Baker Year Published: 2019 Ages 5-10

    Writing Right is an illustrated children's book whose main character is Noah, a third grade boy with dysgraphia. Many people have never heard of dysgraphia and that is one of the primary reasons for this book. Dysgraphia affects writing skills and can make learning very difficult. In this book, Noah learns to work through his struggles with dysgraphia through perseverance, help from his mom, computer resources, and occupational therapy.

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  •  your fantastic elastic brain

    Your Fantastic Elastic Brain

    by JoAnn Deak Year Published:

    Kids will love reading about how their brain works in this fabulous picture book. This award winning book will give your kids plenty of food for thought! 

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  •  tom's special talent

    Tom’s Special Talent

    by Kate Gaynor Year Published:

    People with dyslexia have tons of special talents. Kids need to know that there are real strengths to be found even though they may struggle with reading, etc. This book helps your child find their special talent, recognize it and see the beauty when you share it with others.

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  •  the alphabet war

    The Alphabet War

    by Diane Burton Robb Year Published:

    The main character, Adam, struggles with reading. When he is finally diagnosed in third grade, things start to look up for him. Children will identify with Adam’s inner struggles with learning things like the letter of the alphabet.

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  •  thank you mr. faulker

    Thank You, Mr. Falker

    by Patricia Polacco Year Published:

    Written by the beloved dyslexic author, Patricia Polacco, this autobiographical picture book narrative will tug at your heartstrings, but truly get children to see how how painful teasing and bullying can be for someone with any kind of a learning difference. Mr. Falker is a true hero in this book! As a side note, I read this book to my third graders within the first month of school every year. There are life lessons taught in this book that cannot be missed.


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  •  my gift of difference

    My Gift Of Difference

    by Jordan Greene Year Published:

    “It’s a difference, not a disadvantage.” 12 year old Jordan has written a self help book, fill with tips that will inspire and empower your child on their own journey. Jordan gives inspirational talks all over the country. Be sure to check out her Instagram page!

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  •  looking for heros

    Looking For Heroes

    by Aidan Colvin Year Published:

    Aidan Colvin was on a mission. Write to 100 successful dyslexics and find out their secrets to success. You will be just as surprised as Aidan is at the amount of replies and the advice he receives! Aidan is sure to share classroom tips with kids as well. Great for middle schoolers, or high schoolers, or college students.

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  • the wild book

    The Wild Book

    by Margarita Engle Year Published:

    Written entirely in prose, this book set in turn of the century Cuba, features, Fefa. She was told she had “word blindness”, a term used for dyslexia years ago, and that she would never learn to read. Read how Fefa beats the odds amidst a time in Cuba filled with trials and uncertainty. Through the use of a notebook, observant Fefa learns how to read.

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  • my name is brain brian

    My Name Is Brain Brian

    by Jeanne Betancourt Year Published: Ages 8 - 12

    Brian has always known he has some kind of problem with reading and writing, and he dreads the start of school each year because of it. But when his sixth grade teacher sees him write “Brain” instead of “Brian,” she steps in to help. In My Name is Brain, Brian has someone who understands (rather than pushes him to just “try harder,” as his parents have done), and who doesn’t make fun (as his schoolmates have). Brian’s brain is just fine!

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  • It’s Called Dyslexia

    by by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos, illustrated by Marta Fábrega Year Published: Ages 4 - 7

    It’s Called Dyslexia is part of a series of books called Live and Learn, each written from the point of view of a child with a learning or other disability. In this story, an elementary-aged girl goes from loving school (she knows her letters!), to hating it (the letters simply won’t arrange themselves into words!), until she gets help and, as a bonus, discovers a hidden talent. A section for parents is also included.

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  • Tacky the Penguin

    by by Helen Lester, illustrated by Lynn M. Munsinger Year Published: Ages 4 - 7

    Kids with dyslexia, as well as other differences, should get the message early on that there’s more than one way to be, to think, to read, and to write. In this enchanting children’s book, we find Tacky: An oddball, out-of-the-box thinker struggling to fit in with a colony of perfect penguins, and learning how to think positively about his lack of “perfection.”

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  • Fish in a Tree

    by by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Year Published: Ages 8 - 12

    Ally’s creativity is boundless; she sees art and moving images in everything and everyone around her. But when it comes to reading, the world stops. Time freezes. Panic sets in. With her dad in the military, Ally’s moved around a lot, and each time she lands at a new school, she’s able to create enough of a distraction to mask her reading difficulties. That changes when she meets Mr. Daniels, a teacher who sees past Ally’s antics and helps her make sense of reading and herself.

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  • The Soggy, Foggy Campout (Here’s Hank #8)

    by by Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver, illustrated by Scott Garrett Year Published: Ages 6 - 8

    Get ready to redefine the word “underachiever.” Hank Zipzer, the fictional creation/alter ego of actor and director Henry Winkler (and coauthor Lin Oliver) barrels through this series of novels as an otherwise normal kid with a learning difference. In fact, there are two series: the original Hank Zipzer books and the newer Here’s Hank! series. Yep, Hank’s totally normal — and by “normal” we mean he has a pet iguana and is constantly getting into and out of adventures. You know, like every kid. And that’s the point: Every kid is different, and every kid learns in his or her own way.

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  • Eleven

    by Patricia Reilly Giff Year Published: Ages 8-12

    Imagine finding, in a box in your grandfather’s attic, a newspaper clipping that reveals something shocking about your past — that you’d been kidnapped as a child — but you can barely read it thanks to a learning issue. That’s the story of Sam in Patricia Reilly Giff’s Eleven. Lovers of mysteries and psychological suspense will dive into this story — and kids with a similar disability will love that the author highlights Sam’s non-reading talents (he’s a master woodworker).

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  • Alternative Text Goes Here

    Close to Famous

    by Joan Bauer Year Published: Ages 10+

    Everybody wants to be somebody, and 12-year-old Foster McKee, the heroine of Close to Famous, is no different. After a move from Memphis to rural West Virginia with her mom, an aspiring singer, Foster tries her hardest to realize her dream of having her very own TV cooking show — and, oh, learning to read, which is a lot harder for her thanks to a learning disability. Quirky characters in the McKees’ new town all have their dreams, too, including the reclusive actress who helps Foster make sense of books.


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Books for Parents

  •  Basic Facts about dyslexia

    Basic Facts About Dyslexia & Other Reading Problems

    by Louisa Cook Moats, Karen E. Dakin Year Published:

    A must-have guide for any parent or teacher of a child struggling to learn to read, this essential resource begins by answering the question "What is Dyslexia?" The authors have masterfully selected and distilled the most significant research in the field to provide clear and detailed explanations of the : 1) widely accepted research-based definition of dyslexia; 2) identification and treatment of dyslexia at various stages of development; 3) emotional consequences of reading difficulties; 4) current research on the role of genetics and the brain; 5) essential elements of effective reading instruction; and 6) treatment options for the most severe cases of dyslexia and other reading problems.

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  •  All Kind of Minds

    All Kinds of Minds

    by Mel Levine, M.D. Year Published:

    All Kinds of Minds, by Dr. Mel Levine, is a great book for parents who want to introduce children to their learning disorder in a positive manner. The purpose of the book is to address, teach, and foster understanding of learning disorders through five characters who have a “different kind of mind.”

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  •  dyslexia explained

    Dyslexia Explained

    by Nessy Year Published:

    This cartoon-like visual story of dyslexia is full of information presented in a concise, clear and organized way. A parent I work with saw this book and wanted to give it to all the teachers at her child’s school. Although this book is out of print in the US, it is available for free as an e-book.

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  •  dyslexia wonders

    Dyslexia Wonders: Understanding the Daily Life of a Dyslexic From a Child’s Point of View

    by Jennifer Smith Year Published:

    While most books written about dyslexia are written by scientists or educators, some are written by individuals who also happen to be dyslexic themselves. Looking back at their journey and their story, they see things through the eyes of an adult and frequently also as a scientist or educator. This book provides something not only unique but also invaluable. This book was written by a 12 year old child in her own voice telling her powerful story. There is no replacement for the insight we gain from such a close and recent examination of events.

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  •  the dyslexia empowerment plan

    The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan: A Blueprint for Renewing Your Child’s Confidence and Love of Learning

    by Ben Foss Year Published:

    This title really is a blueprint or roadmap for parents not only to advocate for their child, but to help their child learn self-advocacy skills. From busting dyslexia myths and understanding your child’s profile, specific advice about accommodations and protecting your child’s rights, to developing a community of support and understanding, this book offers guidance for the parents of anyone navigating learning differences.

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  •  Proust and the Squid:

    Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain

    by Maryanne Wolf Year Published:

    This book is particularly relevant in our rapidly changing world. For anyone born early enough to not be a digital native or who grew up with a rotary dial phone, the rapid pace of change of how we take in information is unmistakable. Wolf examines the ability of the brain to adapt and evolve to these changes and how the act of reading is something quite new to the human brain in evolutionary terms. While most books examine the what of dyslexia or the what next, this book tackles the why. Why do some people struggle with learning to read and others don’t?

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  • the dyslexia checklist

    The Dyslexia Checklist

    by Sandra F. Rief Year Published:

    This is a valuable reference book for parents and classroom teachers. Its coverage of topics such as dyslexia in high school and college, navigating the special education process, and specific intervention strategies and accommodations make this a resource that will prove a useful tool on your bookshelf for years to come.

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  • The Gift of Dyslexia

    by Ronald David Year Published:

    While this book is not without controversy, its strengths lie in its ability to help the reader understand the experience of dyslexia and the explanation of the power of using a student’s visual strengths to help them with their learning challenges. As a discerning reader, it’s important to read about all facets of dyslexia, know the research and make decisions from there.

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  • The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain

    by Brock L. Eide Year Published:

    While much of the literature focuses on the struggles of the dyslexic learner, this is a book that examines the way in which the brain differences at the root of reading difficulties are differences that offer people a unique perspective on the world. It is no accident that lists of “famous people with dyslexia” include some of the most creative and brilliant minds in science, art, music and business. This is a particularly valuable book for adults with dyslexia and parents of children with dyslexia who want to embrace themselves as more than their struggles.

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  • Overcoming Dyslexia

    by Sally Shaywitz Year Published:

    No book list would be complete without the inclusion of this title. Based on the very latest scientific data through the use of functional MRIs, the book is both accessible to a layperson and informative to someone with an educational background. Some of its particular strengths are the suggestions for parent advocacy, the inclusion of stories about students that frequently slip through the cracks, and a fabulous list of red flags for dyslexia at various ages.

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