• Off-Campus Physical Education

    The purpose of the program is to accommodate students with Olympic development potential who are making a serious effort to develop high-level abilities and to allow them to be involved in an off-campus program that provides training exceeding that offered in the District. Off-campus PE has a structured training requirement designed to mirror UIL activities.

    Please note:

    • Online applications for the 2024-2025 SPRING semester will be available November 4, 2024- January 10, 2025.

    New Change for injuries/illness:

    • If your student experiences an injury/illness but is able to attend school, he/she is required to attend their regularly scheduled OCPE training as well. They may receive instruction through observation until they are able to participate at full capacity. If the student’s injury/illness persists longer than three classes, the parent must submit a doctor’s note detailing injury/illness, when the student is expected to recover, and detail of student level of participation during injury/illness to the Plano ISD OCPE staff for documentation. We strongly discourage a student to drop after the grading period has begun but will refer to campus specific withdrawal procedures. If your child's injury/illness prohibits them from observing/receiving instruction at their OCPE training site, they must remain on campus during their scheduled class period. You will need to work with campus administration and counseling to establish an appropriate location during the class period and the student will report to that location daily. Students that are not able to attend OCPE training due to injury/illness must remain on campus and not leave early.

    General Requirements 

    The following is a list of basic requirements that has been established by the Plano Independent School District and the Texas Education Agency. These requirements must be met and maintained to be eligible for participation in the program. To ensure we are aligned with the current Plano ISD policy EIF (Regulation), we do not offer OCPE activity options that are offered to students at the campus level in UIL.

      1. Off-Campus physical activity programs will be approved for only those students who have been strongly recommended by qualified instructors.
      2. No off-campus program will be allowed if located more than twenty (20) miles from the Plano Independent School Administration Building.
      3. Only those students in grades six (6) through twelve (12) will be eligible for consideration for the off-campus program. No students in elementary school will be considered for the off-campus program.

    Approved sports/activities for students in grades 6-8: 

    Archery, Badminton, Dance, Equestrian, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey, Ice Skating, Lacrosse, Mixed Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, Rowing, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, and Track Cycling.

    Approved sports/activities for students in grades 9-12: 

    Archery, Badminton, Dance, Equestrian, Fencing, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey, Ice Skating, Lacrosse, Mixed Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, Rowing, Squash, Table Tennis, and Track Cycling.

    Per policy EIF (Regulation), Plano ISD will not offer OCPE credit for sports/activities that are offered within Plano ISD UIL competitive athletic programs in grades 9-12

    Students applying for Off-Campus Physical Education will be considered under two (2) categories.

      1. CATEGORY ONE: These programs involve a minimum of fifteen (15) hours per week of highly intense, professionally supervised training.   Students qualifying at this level will be dismissed from school one period per day for such participation.
      2. CATEGORY TWO: These programs are to be of high quality, well supervised by appropriately trained instructors, and consist of a minimum of ten (10) hours per week.  Students certified to participate at this level MAY NOT be dismissed from any part of the regular school day.
      3. Please Note: Students participating in this program may receive a maximum of one half credit per semester. For students in grades 9 -12, one credit of Physical Education is required to graduate. A maximum of four credits of Physical Education can be counted towards state high school graduation requirements. 
    1. The student must participate a minimum of four (4) days during the week (Monday through Friday) plus an additional day that may fall on either the weekend or during the week.  All such participation must always be under the direct supervision of the instructor and do not include weekend games/tournaments. Parents can not be listed as the instructor.


  • Apply

    The application for the 2024-2025 SPRING semester will be available November 4, 2024 - January 10, 2025.

    The online application includes:

    • Area to be read and completed by parent/guardian and student
    • General guidelines for Off-Campus Physical Education

    A new OCPE application must be submitted each school year.

    Click HERE for the 2024-2025 application.

  • Payments

    Enrollment Fee

    *Siblings enrolled in OCPE only require one payment

    • $125.00 per semester
    • $200.00 for both semesters at the beginning of the year
      • Split Payment of $125.00 at the beginning and $75.00 later are not accepted


    If a student drops OCPE, a non-refundable $50.00 fee will be subtracted from your original payment for one/both semesters in the event of a refund.  


    Payments can only be made via Rycor until further notice.  If you cannot pay via Rycor you can wait to submit your application until other options are available at a later date.  Payments must be made at time of application submission.  We will accept applications for the 2024-2025 SPRING semester November 4, 2024 - January 10, 2025.

    Credit Cards

    You can make your OCPE payment via VISA, MC or Discover through Rycor.  Once you have made your Rycor payment and have a confirmation number to include, you may email your application to Molly Pipak at plano.ocpe@pisd.edu.

  • Submit

    Submit Application

    Submissions may only be made electronically at this time.

    Submit by completing the online application Google Form found HERE November 4, 2024 - January 10, 2025.

    • Pay for OCPE through Rycor.

  • Schedule and Grades

    Schedule and Grades

    After the application is reviewed, a confirmation email to parents will be sent out. A report will be sent to all counselors listing all approved OCPE students. At that time the counselors will put OCPE on the student’s schedule.

    1. Off-campus physical education will not be on student's schedule until approval from the OCPE office.
    2. Parents and students need to confirm that OCPE is on the student’s schedule at the beginning of each semester and the student is receiving a grade for each nine weeks.
    3. OCPE will not show up on schedules for students enrolled in Category 2. The grade will be posted to the student's transcript at the end of each semester enrolled.  If you have any questions, please check with your school counselor.
    4. The OCPE office does not set student's academic schedules.

  • What happens if my OCPE student has a long-term injury or illness that prohibits him/her from training?

    • If your student experiences an injury/illness but is able to attend school, he/she is required to attend their regularly scheduled OCPE training as well. They may receive instruction through observation until they are able to participate at full capacity. If the student’s injury/illness persists longer than three classes, the parent must submit a doctor’s note detailing injury/illness, when the student is expected to recover, and detail of student level of participation during injury/illness to the Plano ISD OCPE staff for documentation. We strongly discourage a student to drop after the grading period has begun but will refer to campus specific withdrawal procedures. If your child's injury/illness prohibits them from observing/receiving instruction at their OCPE training site, they must remain on campus during their scheduled class period. You will need to work with campus administration and counseling to establish an appropriate location during the class period and the student will report to that location daily. Students that are not able to attend OCPE training due to injury/illness must remain on campus and not leave early.

  • What are the qualified activities open for off campus PE?

    Approved sports/activities for students in grades 6-8: 

    Archery, Badminton, Dance, Equestrian, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey, Ice Skating, Lacrosse, Mixed Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, and Track Cycling.

    Approved sports/activities for students in grades 9-12: 

    Archery, Badminton, Dance, Equestrian, Fencing, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey, Ice Skating, Lacrosse, Mixed Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, Rowing, Table Tennis, and Track Cycling.

  • Why is there a cost for off campus PE?

    This program is optional to students in Plano ISD and the fee is to offset the cost associated with administering the program such as travel for attendance officers that randomly visits training facilities.

  • How many days a week must a student be enrolled in the qualified activity?

    A student must be enrolled in his/her supervised activity for 5 days a week.  The student must participate a minimum of four (4) days during the week (Monday through Friday) plus one (1) additional day that may fall on either the weekend or during the week for a total of five (5) days per week. If these training requirements are not met the application will be denied.

  • How many hours must a student be in practice every day?

    The number of hours must add up to 10 or 15 hours depending upon the requested category.  The number of hours must be spread over 5 days a week. The student must participate a minimum of four (4) days during the week (Monday through Friday) plus one (1) additional day that may fall on either the weekend or during the week for a total of five (5) days per week. Training hours during the week do not include weekend games/tournaments. If these training requirements are not met the application will be denied.

  • Can an elementary student be enrolled in off campus PE?

    No, the program is only open to students in grades 6-12.

  • Will my child automatically be scheduled into Off Campus PE if they meet all requirements?

    Even though a student might meet the sport and training requirements to participate in the Off Campus PE program, the campus will need to determine if they can create a schedule to accommodate the Off Campus PE request.

  • Who changes the student’s schedule to reflect Off Campus PE?

    After the application is approved by the OCPE office, the counselor at the student's home campus will change his/her schedule, in the event they can create a schedule to accommodate the request, to reflect off campus PE. The OCPE office does not set academic schedules.

  • Can a student be enrolled in more than one facility with more than one instructor?

    No, only one instructor and one training facility can be submitted on the application for approval. The instructor listed will be requested to sign an agreement stating he/she verifies the training schedule submitted is correct and he/she will be responsible for submitting attendance and grades.

  • Must you reapply each school year?

    Yes, all students must reapply for OCPE each school year.

  • Our office submits grades the last week of each nine weeks:

    1st nine weeks ends- October 11, 2024

    2nd nine weeks ends- December 20, 2024

    3rd nine weeks ends- March 14, 2025

    4th nine weeks ends- May 23, 2025

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