Pre-K PASAR is located at Barron, Beaty ECS (PM), Boggess, Christie, Forman, Head Start, Hightower, R.M. Haggar, Huffman, Hughston, Isaacs ECS, Jackson, Mathews, Memorial, Mendenhall, Mitchell, Pearson ECS, Sigler, Thomas and Weatherford Elementary Schools.
Pre-K PASAR hours:
3:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Monday -Thursday
3:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Fridays.For more information please contact:
Beaty ECS (PM), Christie, Hightower, Huffman, Hughston, Jackson, Mitchell, Rose Haggar, Sigler, and Weatherford Pre-K PASAR
Barron, Daffron, Mathews, Memorial, Pearson ECS and Thomas Pre-K PASAR
Boggess, Forman, Headstart, Isaacs ECS, and Mendenhall Pre-K PASAR