• Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School year will end on Friday, February 28, 2025


     Parent Information for PASAR 2024-2025 Enrollment

    As a program, we work hard to provide quality after-school childcare at all Plano ISD sites. PASAR is continuously and actively seeking and recruiting applicants. If you, or someone you know is interested in joining our team, please take a moment to complete or share the following form: PASAR Employment Interest.

    Caps, Wait-list, Staffing, How Does it Work?

    Contracts (registrations) are processed in the order received. 

    Once an applicant has been approved for hire as a PASAR employee and begins their onboarding process, the enrollment cap for a site is increased. Parents at the site where the enrollment cap is increased will receive an email from PASAR@pisd.edu with the heading Open Spot In PASAR at “School Name”. This email provides a specific deadline to accept or decline the contract by the deadline given in the email. If the contract is not accepted by the parent on or before the deadline provided in the email, the contract is forfeited/removed, and the open spot is offered to the next family on the wait list.  

    Accepting the contract and the successful processing of the registration payment, secures one of the newly opened seats at the specific PASAR program site. Once a contract is approved, parents will receive a reply from PASAR@pisd.edu letting them know the contract has been approved and reconfirming the program start date for their child. 

    Parents may monitor the site enrollment caps here as caps are increased at each site, and parents can be prepared to more actively monitor their email to accept or decline their contract. 

    PASAR cannot guarantee a time frame for when additional staff will be placed at sites. Parents are encouraged to seek alternative after-school care while they wait for their PASAR contract to be approved.  PASAR does prioritize staffing based on demand for the program, and PASAR actively recruits applicants who have expressed an interest in working at a specific site. 

    PASAR Program Status will give the most updated information regarding the status of the PASAR program at each campus. This information is updated every week.

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Welcome to PASAR

Important Enrollment Information