- Plano Independent School District
- Medical Action Plans
PASAR Medical Action Plans
If your child requires medical attention from a physician's directive, complete the appropriate action plan. To ensure the safety of your child, plans must be completed and submitted to PASAR every academic school year.
- Plans must be given to the PASAR Site Manager at your child's school prior to your child starting PASAR.
- A copy of the Medical Action Plan that is on file with the school nurse can be copied and given to the PASAR Site Manager.
- Parents of any student with an epi-pen must bring over-the-counter Benadryl®, as PASAR will not stock Benadryl® for students with epi-pens.
- If your child/children require a plan, print and complete the appropriate form(s) and have the physician who is treating your child for the medical condition(s) sign the specific forms.
- If your child is attending Holiday Care and/or Summer PASAR, please verify that the Medical Action Plans are on file with PASAR.
Only complete the medical action forms if you need to make PASAR aware of your child's medical plan(s). There is no need to submit these forms If your child does not require any medical attention from a physician's directive.
Please make sure that any food allergies are prominently listed on the Allergy Action Plan form. Should your child have special dietary needs you may provide an appropriate daily snack.
The various medical action plans include
- Allergy Action Plan
- Seizure Plan
- Hyperglycemia Emergency Plan
- Hypoglycemia Emergency Plan
- Asthma Action Plan
- Diabetic Management Plan
Visit the Plano ISD district webpage for the District Health Forms
If a child appears mildly ill or becomes ill at PASAR
- Parent/guardian will be notified. Caregiver will inform parent of child’s symptoms and review the policies and procedures for school
- Child will be cared for apart from the other children and, if available, given a place to
- Child should be picked up within 1-hour of parent
- Temperature higher than 100০
- Nausea or vomiting
- Red, pick or crusted eyes
- Diarrhea
- Thick or greenish mucus from nose
- Sore throat
24 Hour Rule: Any child who has shown signs of illness in the previous 24 hours may not attend class.
By state regulation, you must keep your child home until your child is free from all symptoms of illness and fever for at least 24 hours as described below. A child must be excluded from PASAR when:
- An illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in PASAR activities;
- An illness results in a need for greater care than the staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children;
- Fever Free: Fever of 100° or more for 24 hours without fever reducing medication (this is a change by the Department of State Health Services from the previous 100.4° criteria for exclusion).
- Child must be fever free for 24 hours, or until medical evaluation indicates
- Antibiotic Time-Line: A child should be on antibiotics for at least 24 hours before returning to school/PASAR.
- Children’s temperatures will be taken under the arm, forehead or
- Oral temperature over 100° accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness
Specific Conditions that May Not Require Exclusion (At the Sole Discretion of PASAR)
- Children who have a type of germ in their bowel movement or urine that can cause disease, but that is not giving any symptoms to the child whose stool or urine contains the
- Children with conjunctivitis (pink eye) who have a clear, watery eye discharge and do not have any fever, eye pain, pus coming from the eye, or eyelid
- Children with a rash, but no fever or change in behavior (must be released by a physician).
- Children with cytomegalovirus infection, carriers of hepatitis B and HIV
- Children with a clear nasal discharge not accompanied by other symptoms; however, please note that cloudy, yellow, or green nasal discharge can be a sign of infection and can lead to exclusion from group
All controlled substances must be brought in by the parent or guardian and in the original prescription bottle. Controlled substances must be counted by the parent and a staff member before it is left with the staff.
Please keep your children home for:
- A health-care professional has diagnosed the child with a communicable disease, and the child does not have medical documentation to indicate that the child is no longer
- Signs of possible severe illness, including unusual lethargy, irritability, persistent crying, and difficult
- Uncontrolled diarrhea, defined as an increased number of stools compared with the child’s normal pattern, with increased stool water and/or decreased form. Even one diarrhea incident may require exclusion if it is not contained by the child’s underwear or if it is combined with other symptoms. Exclude until symptoms have disappeared for 24
- Vomiting two or more times in the previous 24 hours unless the vomiting is determined to be due to a non-communicable condition and the child is not in danger of dehydration. Exclude until symptoms have disappeared for 24
- Mouth sores with drooling unless the child’s physician or local health department authority states the child is non-infectious.
- Rash with fever or behavior change, until a physician has determined the illness not to be a communicable
- Generalized Rash
- Oozing wounds that cannot be kept dry and covered
- Purulent conjunctivitis defined as pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow eye discharge, often with matted eyelids after sleep, and including a child with eye pain or redness of the eyelids or skin surrounding the eye. May return 24 hours after treatment begins and symptoms have
- Infestation (e.g. scabies, head lice), including possible infestation if it may return after treatment. It is necessary for the clinic personnel to check for continued infestation upon child’s return to school.
- Impetigo, until 24 hours after treatment
- Streptococcal pharyngitis, until 24 hours after treatment has been initiated, and until the child has been fever free for 24
- Pinworm and Ringworm infections, until 24 hours after treatment
- Chicken Pox, students should fever free for 24 hours, and have no new lesions for 24 hours. Lesions must be crusted
- Other conditions or symptoms as determined in the sole discretion of the administration at PASAR.
Please inform us immediately if your child has been diagnosed with any communicable diseases: including strep throat, pink eye, lice, pinworms, chicken pox.
In general, policies developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics/American Public Health Association pertaining to the exclusion of children with other contagious diseases will be followed.
Please remind your children of cough and sneeze etiquette:
- Cough or sneeze into a Kleenex or sleeve and not into hands
- Always wash hands for 20 seconds or the equivalent of happy birthday twice
- Proper hand washing technique (vigorous friction rub for 20 seconds with soap and rinse with water).
Specific Conditions that May Not Require Exclusion (At the Sole Discretion of PASAR)
- Children who have a type of germ in their bowel movement or urine that can cause disease, but that is not giving any symptoms to the child whose stool or urine contains the
- Children with conjunctivitis (pink eye) who have a clear, watery eye discharge and do not have any fever, eye pain, pus coming from the eye, or eyelid
- Children with a rash, but no fever or change in behavior (must be released by a physician).
- Children with cytomegalovirus infection, carriers of hepatitis B and HIV
- Children with a clear nasal discharge not accompanied by other symptoms; however, please note that cloudy, yellow, or green nasal discharge can be a sign of infection and can lead to exclusion from group