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- Online - Blackboard CBE Resources
Online CBE Resources - Blackboard Professional Communications
Professional Communications - Credit By Exam
This Credit by Exam is administered in an online testing format through Plano ISD eSchool Blackboard and monitored using a secure data monitoring system called Proctorio. Proctorio locks down the browser to ensure a secure testing experience for each student. This is a 0.5 credit course offered as one Credit By Exam assessment.
Technology Requirements
- An electronic device, such as a Chromebook, Desktop, Laptop (PC or Mac) with a webcam and microphone
- Chrome Internet browser access
- Proctorio Chrome Extension
Photo ID
As part of the test security and verification process, the student will be asked to present a Photo ID before beginning the test. Acceptable forms of Photo IDs are:
- School ID,
- State Issued ID (Driver's license/Permit), or
- Student Photo from PISD Pinnacle Gradebook App.
How to Access the Blackboard Online CBE Test
Carefully read through the following information on how to access your online Credit by Exam tests. The students must complete all steps listed below.
Content Accordion PISD
Prepare for Your Exam - Review the TEKS
State Standards (TEKS) for Professional Communication
Students may prepare by reviewing any resources aligned to these Professional Communication TEKS.
STEP 1 - Install Proctorio Chrome Extension
The Proctorio Chrome Extension is an app that needs to be added to your Chrome internet browser one time on the device you will use for testing.
- Using Google Chrome, go to
- Under Step 2, click on "Click Here".
- This will open a new tab on the Chrome Web Store. Click on "Add to Chrome".
- A pop-up window will appear. Click on "Add extension".
- A new icon of a shield will appear in the upper left corner of your screen next to your Chrome picture.
This indicates Proctorio has been installed. - Return to the Getproctorio tab and confirm all 3 steps are now done.
- You may now close the tabs for Proctorio and Chrome Web Store.
STEP 2 - Review the Remote Proctoring Rules
Remote Proctoring Rules
- No cell phones are allowed in the testing room or workspace.
- No paper, pens, or pencils are allowed in the testing room or workspace.
- No dictionaries, notes, or textbooks are allowed in the testing room or workspace.
- No physical calculators are allowed in the testing room or workspace.
- No additional internet browsers are allowed to be open while testing.
- Testing must occur in one sitting.
Proctorio Monitoring Software
Proctorio will monitor this exam. The following will be restricted:
- Your clipboard will be disabled during the exam, the Copy and Paste functions will not work, and your current clipboard will be emptied.
- Once your exam is submitted, the browser cache will be cleared.
- You will not be allowed to right-click the exam.
- You will not be allowed to print the exam.
- You will not be allowed to download or save any external files during the exam.
Proctorio will be collecting/recording the following information during your exam:
- Microphone and webcam
- A scan of your testing environment,
- Recording your physical location, head movements, eye movements, and mouth movements
- Clipboard and mouse
- Device: applications running in the background, browser size, browser tabs, and windows
- Number of screen displays connected to the testing device
The results of your actions may result in a zero grade, at Plano ISD's discretion. Students who are guilty of violations are subject to disciplinary action and should not expect to receive credit for the work involved. For incidents of student cheating, the Credit by Exam office will contact the campus administrator to determine if the exam will be scored or invalidated.
STEP 3 - Access and Complete Your Blackboard CBE Test
Students must complete and submit their online tests by 11:59 PM on the last day of the Testing Window listed on the Grades 9-12 CBE webpage.
BlackBoard CBE Login →
During the test window, log in to Blackboard using your Plano ISD Student username and password.
- Locate Courses.
- Click Credit by Exam Professional Communication.
- Read the instructions on the Announcements page carefully.
🎥 Video: Professional Communication Credit by Exam on Plano ISD Blackboard
Testing Information
Plano ISD eSchool Blackboard -
- Part 1: Multiple Choice
- Remotely proctored with a 4-hour time limit
- 75 questions
- 60% of the final grade
- Part 2: Speech – submit a pre-recorded speech on a topic of the student’s choice
- Speech Guidelines
- Completed separately from the 4-hour time limit
- The student records a video of their 4-7 minute speech. No written submission is required.
- Upload the speech to your Plano ISD Google Drive.
- Include the student's first and last name in the name of the speech.
- In the share settings, choose "Anyone with the link".
- In the Speech section of the Blackboard course, the student will paste the link to the speech.
- Upload the speech to your Plano ISD Google Drive.
- Speech Teacher Grading Rubric
- 30% of the final grade
- Part 3: Critique – The student watches a speech and completes an assignment on Blackboard
- Completed separately from the 4-hour time limit
- 10% of the final grade
⭐ Important
- Students must complete Part 1: Multiple Choice test within the 4-hour time limit.
- Students must submit a link to their pre-recorded speech following the steps in Part 2: Speech.
- Students must complete Part 3: Critique.
CBE Quick Links
- Kindergarten Acceleration
- Elementary Grades 1-5
- Middle School Grades 6-8
- High School & Senior High School Grades 9-12
- Confirmation & Results Information
- Online CBE Resources - Avant LOTE Tests
- Online CBE Resources - Blackboard Professional Communications
- Online CBE Resources - University of Texas HS Tests
Proctorio Technical Support
If you are having trouble getting Chrome or the extension installed, please send Proctorio Technical Support an email.
☎ (866) 948-9248