• Free Images for Education

    Whether you are looking to add a splash of color to your website, slide deck, or newsletter, you want to be using images that are licensed for free use. Using an image without permission could violate copyright law, and even put you at risk of a lawsuit. Companies like Disney are litigiously protective of their intellectual property.

    Never fear! The internet has solved this problem. There are hundreds of websites that specialize in offering royalty-free images that have been licensed for free use.

    Websites with images for free use:

    https://images.all4ed.org/ - a free library of photos celebrating students - and the educators who teach them - in seven schools across the U.S.

    pixabay.com - Pixabay has a library of over 1.8 million images! You can search for photos and illustrations, as well as vector graphics, music, and videos!

    http://www.pics4learning.com/ - Pics4Learning is a curated image library that is safe and free for education. Use the copyright-friendly photos and illustrations for classroom projects, web sites, videos, portfolios, or any other projects in an educational setting.

    https://unsplash.com - Unsplash is a library of curated high-resolution photos. Easily embed images directly in Google Slides for your presentations with add-on.

    Find/create images, graphics, and AI images using Adobe Express:

    Adobe Express has copyright-free images to use when creating graphics. PISD has a license for Adobe Express for staff and students. See our details - pisd.edu/adobeexpress

    Example of stock images used in a graphic:

    adobe cce example

    Generate AI images:

    Generate images from a description using "Generate Image":

    1. Open Adobe Express from Webdesk. If it's your first time logging into Adobe Express, be sure to click the "Sign in with Google" button.
    2. In Adobe Express, scroll down until you see "Generate Image". Enter descriptive text to generate an image. 
    3. Visit this site for step-by-step instructions and a videohttps://helpx.adobe.com/express/create-and-edit-images/create-and-modify-with-generative-ai/text-to-image.html

  • Search Google for Creative Commons images 

    Creative Commons image


    1. Enter search term in Google

    2. Click Images

    3. Select "Tools"

    4. Click "Usage Rights"

    5. Choose "Creative Commons Licenses"

    6. Right click on the image you want and copy/save.