• Boost Reading (Amplify)

    ECSE and Elementary SPED Teachers

    Please follow the instructions on the ECSE and Elementary SPED Digital Request page to be added as a co-teacher.

    • Boost Reading (Amplify) is a literacy program to help Plano ISD K-2 students become confident readers.
    • Program information has been provided for the educators who will use it with their students.
    • Please refer to the mCLASS support document for additional details.

    Change your display name

    Video Instructions: (2 min)


    1. Open Webdesk.
    2. Search and click on the Amplify tile.
      Amplify tile
    3. Click on Programs & Apps.
    4. Click Admin Portal.
    5. Click Classes
    6. Click on your class name.
    7. Type your First name, Last name, and name of your class in the Display Name text field.
    8. Click Save Updates.
  • Can't Login

    If you're having trouble logging in, please attempt the following solutions: 

    1. Open this document to use as a reference for Step 2 - Top 5 Technology Troubleshooting Tips
    2. Turn off non-extensions that are not being used on a regular basis. Too many extensions can slow the processing speed of your Chromebook and some third-party extensions can interfere with your Google Workspace.

    If troubleshooting did not gain you access, please contact either Fern.Johnson@pisd.edu, Digital Learning Specialist or Dr. Rachel.Beachy@pisd.edu, Elementary Reading Coordinator. 

  • Change language to Spanish

    In Boost Reading, the teacher will go to Class settings > they will then select the student. In the third column "Boost Reading Voiceover", the teacher can select English or Spanish. 

    Helpful article that goes over how to enable Spanish: https://service.amplify.com/s/article/KL-Boost-Reading-Spanish-Supports

  • Problems with using Amplify

    Issues Other Than Access

    1. Work through these troubleshooting tips.
    2. If you're still having trouble, please use the chat feature in Amplify's program to report all other issues.
      • Once you get an email from Amplify with a case number, please respond and provide as much information as possible, such as screenshots, initials of impacted students, etc.
      • To access the live chat, click the orange icon while logged in to an Amplify program to get immediate help.

    Alternatively, email Amplify at help@amplify.com and include as many details about the issue as possible.