Google (Classroom, Docs, Forms, etc.)
Page Navigation
- Google Chrome
- Google Calendar
- Google Certification & Training
- Google Chat
- Google Classroom
- Google Contact Group
- Google Docs/Drive
- Google Drawings
- Google Earth
- Google for Education Blog
- Google Forms
- Google Jamboard
- Google for Littles
- Google Meet
- Google My Maps
- Google Sheets
- Google Sites
- Google Sketchup
- Google Slides
- Google Translate
- Instructional Technology
- Google Slides
Google Slides
- Get Started with Slides (Google Workspace Learning Center)
- ⭐Google Game-Changing Hacks digital guidebook - Click on the "Slides" tab
- 4 Free and Easy Audio Recording Tools for Google Slides (Eric Curts)
- Adding Audio to Slides (EdTech Awesomeness)
- 25 Ways to Use Audio in Google Slides Projects (Shake Up Learning)
Creating Interactive, Drag & Drop, and other activities!
- Using Google Slides for Engaging & Interactive Stations (Video)
- See Plano ISD teacher, Diem Nguyen, in action!
- Make a copy of Diem's template DIY Stations (elementary)
- Google Slides Resources (Eric Curts)
- How to Create Drag & Drop Activities (Shake Up Learning)
- Create "Dicebreaker" Activities! TCEA blog (templates included)
Slideshow Templates
Slidescarnival - -
Slidesmania -
Share Your Slides Differently
Revise your links to share your slide deck in a variety of ways.
- Delete all characters after last forward slash (/)
- Insert endings:
/copy - force a copy
/template/preview - view & auto-save to user’s drive
/present - present slides and still access tabs
Ex: - 🤩Bonus: Add Sir Links-a-lot extension to do similar tasks.
Use Your Phone as a Remote Clicker
To advance your Slides presentation from your smartphone:
1. Install the Remote for Slides extension from the Chrome Web Store.
2. Open your Slides presentation. You might need to refresh your Slides presentation before the Remote for Slides icon appears.
3. When you're ready to present, open the web browser on your phone and go to
4. Click the Present with Remote button at the top of your Slides presentation.
5. At the bottom of the screen, click the option to "Show ID and Start Remote." The code that you enter in the area on your phone's browser will appear for only a short time (since audience members could also use the code). Be ready to type it in your phone or jot it down.
Virtual Planners
Stay organized with these colorful and useful agendas, planners, and templates for more!
Go to, select the template you like, and then click either "Download in PowerPoint" or "Open in Slides", depending on your preference.
Graphic Organizer Templates
Click the link below to make a copy of the Google Slideshow (preview below) of graphic organizer templates. It will save to your Google Drive as Copy of Graphic Organizer Template.
Make a copy of this graphic organizer template