• Blackboard Collaborate

    Bb Collaborate is an online collaborative learning tool that can be utilized to conduct video conferences, professional development, student tutorials, and more.

  • Moderator Instructions

    Step 1: Request an account

    Contact Leah Heerema, Digital Learning Specialist, to request an account. 

    Step 2: Install the Blackboard Collaborate launcher

    1. On your network computer, open the App Depot. 

    2. Locate and install the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher. 

    app depot blackboard collaborate launcher

    Step 3: Use Blackboard Collaborate!

    1. In Webdesk, add the Blackboard Collaborate app.

     blackboard collaborate webdesk app

    2. Launch the app and sign in using the username and password that Leah set up for you.

    3. Click "Start a New Session" on the left. 

    4. Name it and set the start and end date and times. 

    5. Copy and paste the Guest Link in an email to your participants or in the material you’re sharing with them, (eg. Google Classroom, Google Doc, Smore, Remind, Sched).

    6. To begin the session, click "Join as Chair."