• ECSE and Elementary SPED Teachers

    Fill out this form ECSE and Elementary Curriculum and Support Request if you would like to be added as a co-teacher to the following programs:

    • Reading A-Z (Teacher Access)
    • Vizzle (Teacher Access)
    • Teachtown (Teacher Access, add or remove students)
    • Symbol Styx (Teacher Access)
    • HMH (co-teacher access)
    • Amplify/mCLASS (co-teacher access)

    Lexia Access

    Please fill out the Lexia Teacher/Student form to add Teachers or Students to Lexia. Lexia is only a program to reinforce skills that have been taught and not the main reading curriculum. Lexia does have lessons that teachers can work on with students once those skills have been identified. We have a limited number of licenses for the program this year.  (Resource Teachers & Resource Students) (DTs have access for the students with dyslexia)

    Vizzle (student access)

    Vizzle Student Access Form (add students on modified curriculum)