Mind Missions - Elementary Social Studies

  • What are Mind Missions?

    Mind Missions lessons integrate Language Arts, Social Studies, and STEAM challenges for engaged learning in PISD elementary schools. Learners develop Language Arts skills, learn Social Studies content, and develop problem-solving skills.

    How do I access Mind Missions?

    Mind Missions is pushed out to all teachers of record automatically. Teachers of record can access Mind Missions in Webdesk via this tile:

    Webdesk icon of Mind Mission

    If the tile is not there, please install it via Webdesk:

    In All Apps search Mind Missions and click Add

    It should automatically log in. However, if you are prompted, please choose to log in with Classlink (Webdesk) and use your PISD credentials.

    If prompted, log in with classlink

    What if I cannot log in?

    • Please follow these 5 troubleshooting steps: https://bit.ly/top5tips21 then try to access Mind Missions again. If it still does not work, please ask your campus CTA to contact the PISD Help Desk and submit a Help Desk ticket.
    • Please note that only teachers of record are automatically added to the list of users for Mind Missions. All others will need to be added manually. To request this, please contact your campus CTA and ask that they submit a Help Desk ticket.