Discovery Education
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- Discovery Education Resources
Getting Started with D.E.
MY DE Homepage Navigation
My Classrooms: Manage classroom groupings and assignments with Classrooms.
My Content: Organize favorite content into folders with My Content. Personalize by saving content in Quicklist
Quiz: Exclusive to Full Discovery Education partners, use Quiz to build formative assessments such as video quiz, standard quiz, and ask live quiz to check for understanding.
Studio: Create and deliver lessons with Studio, Discovery Education's creation and collaboration space. Not familiar with Studio? Check out this guide to learn about easy-to-use features, editing, and sharing options.
Assessment Builder: Build student assessments with Assessment Builder.
Explore: The Explore page lets you search for resources by subject. Access recommended content for you based on your profile selections for grade band, subjects, and interests.
Browse Standards: Drill down by Standard to find that just-right resource for your next lesson.
Educator Supports: Find the support you want at your fingertips. Connect with educators from around the world through the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) Community. You’ll find inspiration, timely recommendations, and best practices.
My Channels offer collections of video segments, images, songs, and more on many of Discovery Education’s most-searched topics and are curated by Discovery Education’s curriculum experts. By default, you'll be subscribed to channels that best meet your interests.
Educator Resources from
Discovery Education Help Center - Discover all the things to help you get started and more!
- Ten-Step Guide to Getting Started
- DE at Home Resources for Families
- Support for Differentiation, Accomodation, Social-Emotional Learning, English Language Learners, and more!
- Discovery Education and Google Classroom
- Discovery Education and Seesaw
Social Studies Techbook Resources (Secondary) - Find ways to leverage Techbook to enhance student learning!
Did You Know this about
Check out these fantastic features that can enhance the learning for your students. Click on the drop-down menu for more information on the topic.
Spark your imagination and explore the full collection of Audiobooks available in Discovery Education Experience—from classic children's stories and fairy tales, to science fiction and famous poetry, to modern young adult favorites.
Learn more about Listen and Download Audio. Watch the video.
Choice Boards
Did you know Discovery Education has Choice Boards that can be copied, customized and assigned?
Filter by language, published date, closed caption options, and even reading level! Take a look at the collection here.
Early Learning Channel
A child's early years are integral to their linguistic, social, and personal development. A high-quality early learning experience has positive implications for students' future academic success and graduation rates.
Find videos, reading passages, and channels that support both educator instruction and children's social-emotional growth.
See resources here.
English Language Learning Center
The English Language Learner Center provides professional development, instructional resources and tools, multimodal digital content, and immersive learning experiences to help English Language Learners (ELL) as they unlock the language of academic success. English Language Learners, sometimes referred to as English Learners or multilingual learners, are students who are in the process of acquiring English while their primary language is not English. English Language Learners face the complex challenge of learning rigorous academic subject matter while simultaneously mastering a new language.
Find recources here.
Hot Topics: Language Learners and Discovery Education page. Video here.
High-Interest Channels
- Arcademics - Boost learning and engagement with skill-building multiplayer math and language arts games. Race to the finish line or hop to victory by demonstrating knowledge of multiplication, division, subject-verb agreement, the parts of speech, and so much more.
- Sesame Learning Enhance your instruction and interactions with children in PreK-2nd grades.
- Cram Jams - Add educational, animated music videos to make learning Language Arts fun and unforgettable.
- Marzano Academies - Features an ever-growing collection of microlearnings that will support educators with implementing competency-based teaching and learning in their classrooms.
Interactive Video and Standard Quizzes
Did you know…
Discovery Education has Interactive Video and Standard Quizzes that can be used LIVE with students?
Interactives for All Subject Areas
Use search filters to find math overviews and explanations, games, skill builders, reading materials, and more. When searching, note the categories of resources available for your search term. The Interactives category can include Explorations, Fun-damentals, Games, Interactive Maps, Investigations, Simulations, Skill Builders and Math Interactives.
Interactives and Other Resources Information page.
Science Interactives, including Spanish Version
Monthly Activity Calendars
Welcome to the Activity Center, where you’ll find monthly calendars of daily activities that are timely, relevant, and ready-to-use. Each month is curated based on what teachers are searching for the most, and each daily activity presents a new opportunity to spark curiosity!
PhET Simulation Resources
Explore the electrifying world of molecular interactions, genetic mutations, planetary gravity, and more with these interactive simulations. Based on extensive education research, PhET simulations bring math and science concepts to life in an intuitive, game-like environment, inviting students to learn through exploration and discovery.
Check out the collection here.
Ready-to-Use Activities
Access ready-to-use lesson activities you can use as-is or customize to meet the needs of your learners.
Sound Effects, Podcasts, and Songs
Discovery Education audio includes songs, sound effects, and other audio, which can include podcasts, audiobooks, short stories, poetry, historic speeches, and more. Check out the collection.
Make learning sizzle for your students with STEM. These camp sessions include activities, investigations, and opportunities for students to use the 4Cs through fun and innovative learning experiences.
Hot Topic: STEM article. Watch video here.
Minecraft: Education Edition: Explore the unique connections between DE content and five Minecraft worlds dedicated to SEL, science, and math.
Studio Templates to Design Digital Lessons
Did you know you can Design Digital Lessons with Studio?
Teachers can use our content creation tool, Studio, to create vibrant lessons to engage students in digital media and students can demonstrate their understanding of a topic.
Summer Resources
Keep the Learning Momentum Going Over Spring Break and This Summer. Whether you're looking for curriculum support, at-home activities for students, or professional learning resources, we’ll help you make this summer one to remember! Check out our redesigned channels and be sure to share with families.
Top Ten SOS Instructional Strategies
Make the most of Spotlight on Strategies (SOS) Instructional Strategies with professional learning resources, educator stories, top ten lists, toolkits for sharing, and an at-a-glance grid view that includes SOS alignment to McREL’s 6-Phase Model of Learning.
SOS Top Ten Instructional Strategies Lists
SOS Instructional Strategies for integrating Discovery Education
Virual Field trips
Take your students beyond the classroom walls and into some of the world's most iconic locations for rich and immersive learning experiences—no permission slips required.
Vooks (Video Books)
Enjoy this delightful collection from Vooks with storybooks brought to life through animation and voice narration. From space adventures to courageous changemakers, holiday tales to counting songs, discover a whole new way of reading and ignite students' curiosity.
Take a look at DE's Collection of Vooks
Become a DEN STAR Educator!
Do you enjoy staying in the know about all things DE? Would you like access to exclusive resources? Join our DEN STAR program to connect with a community of like-minded educators and maximize DE's impact in your school or district. Learn more HERE and share with your teacher leaders!
DE Monthly Newsletter!
Check out Discovery Education's Interactive Monthly Newsletter! Just click around on the pdf below.
Please reach out to the Digital Learning Team if you would like support for this resource!