• Getting Started in Lexia

    Using Lexia, students work independently at their own pace through individualized learning paths to develop fundamental reading skills in a structured, sequential manner. 

    Teacher login information:

    Video Instructions

    1. Add the myLexia tile to your Webdesk. myLexia tile icon
    2. Add your myLexia credentials to the App Passwords in your settings
    3. Now you can access myLexia with one click.
    4. Check that the myLexia Core5-Students tile is in "My Classes" myLexia student icon

    Student login information

    1. Go to "My Classes" and click the myLexia Core5-Students tile
    2. Enter your teacher's email address if prompted
    3. When students log into the program for the first time, they will be directed to the auto-placement. This can take 40-60 minutes to complete on average. It does not need to be completed in a single sitting.

    Teachers and staff can access resources here and will see reports and data in myLexia.