• Logging into HMH - For Substitutes, Specialists, and If Experiencing Interrupted Access

    For substitutes, specialists, or in the event your access is interrupted, you can access the materials using the app for specialists. Just add the app and then launch it to access the materials you need. 

    1. Log into Webdesk 

    2. Click the plus sign on the top left of your screen to open the App Library.

    3. Click on the PISD Staff tab. 

    pisd hmh ed specialist

    4. Add the "PISD HMH Ed Specialist" app. 

    pisd hmh ed specialist

    5. You can now launch it and access the materials you need.

    ** Please allow a few seconds for classlink to auto-populate with the appropriate credentials. 

    You will not be able to use your personal login information.