- Instructional Technology
- Generative AI in Education
Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education
PISD AI Position & Guidance
Academic Integrity, Security, Best Practices, & More
What is ChatGPT & How do I Create an Account?
ChatGPT, what are you?
I am ChatGPT, a highly advanced AI language model created by OpenAI. My primary function is to assist with answering questions, providing information, generating text, and engaging in natural language conversations. I have been trained on a vast dataset to understand and generate human-like text based on the input I receive. ChatGPT. (2023, September 29). "What are you?"
Creating a ChatGPT Account
- Create a free account at chat.openai.com and choose "Sign in with Google". Step-by-step instructions: Creating a ChatGPT Account Using PISD Credentials.
- Plano ISD does not provide accounts for staff/students.
- ChatGPT is intended for users over 18. Parental consent is required for ages between 13-18. See Open AI Terms of Use.
- ChatGPT is free (available when demand is low; standard response speed; regular model updates).
ChatGPT Plus is $20/mo. (available even when demand is high; faster response speed; priority access to new features).
Prompt Formula
In ChatGPT, you get out what you put in. Here is a formula to consider when entering prompts into ChatGPT and getting the desired results.
Specify the persona you want ChatGPT to adopt (e.g., a particular type of professional or individual). -
Describe why you need this response and how you intend to use it. -
Provide one or more examples of the kind of response you're looking for. -
Indicate the tone, voice, or writing style you want ChatGPT to use in the response. -
Specify the desired format (e.g., bullet points) and any word count guidelines.
AI Educator Tools
AI Educator Tools - a repository of AI tools for teachers
AI Essential Vocabulary - twenty-eight AI terms, definitions, and what it means to education.
AI Glossary - website of critical concepts that drive generative AI.
Curipod - see our Curipod page.
Diffit - Re-level, translate, add images and more. Then, export your content into student-ready activities. Watch this 6-min. introductory video.
⭐Gemini - available for PISD educators; 30+ ways to use Gemini in education
Goblin Tools - "Formalizer" writing assistance
Knowt - AI flashcard maker for students (Free alternative to Quizlet)
MagicSchool.AI - the magic of AI to help teachers with lesson planning, text leveling, translation, differentiation, rubrics, and so much more.
⭐NotebookLM - available for PISD educators; 8 expert tips for getting started with NotebookLM
QuestionWell - Unlimited AI-generated standards-aligned questions in seconds for free! Export to your favorite platforms! Export to Quizizz, Microsoft Word/Forms, Google Slides/Forms, Kahoot, and more!
20 Ways to use ChatGPT in the Classroom - ideas and strategies curated by Matt Miller.
Articles for Educators
⭐ChatGPT, Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence in Education (Matt Miller)
4 Time-Saving AI Tools for Teachers (Edutopia)
How AI Can Enhance Education (TCEA)
Artificial Intelligence in Education - Putting Educators and Students in the Driver's Seat (ISTE)
How To Improve Your Search Results With ChatGPT (TCEA)
ChatGPT Is Going To Change Education, Not Destroy It (MIT Technology Review)
By Turn It In: Guide for Approaching AI-generated text in your classroom
Podcasts/Presentations/Webinars about AI in Education
Podcast (Holly Clark and Matt Miller): How ChatGPT and AI assistants Can Save Us Time
Slideshow (Holly Clark): Chat GPT and AI in Education Resources
Bookcreator (Holly Clark): What Effect Will ChatGPT Have on Writing in Schools?
(Plano ISD Digital Learning Team) Opportunities for ChatGPT in Education (Video, 37 min), Slide deck
(Holly Clark) What Effect with ChatGPT Have on Writing in Schools?
(Future Ready Schools) Demystifying Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in Education
Using AI Responsibly
✨AI is a tool, not a replacement for your thinking: See AI content as a starting point and not a final solution.
✨Monitor for Bias and Accuracy: AI might occasionally produce biased or incorrect content. Always double-check outputs.
✨Protect Privacy: Don’t include personal details like names or addresses.
(Reference: MagicSchool.AI)
PISD Digital Citizenship website - pisd.edu/digcit: Being committed to digital citizenship keeps us inclusive, informed, engaged, balanced, and alert about our use of digital tools.
- Generative AI for Educators - 2-hour, self-paced course by Google's Applied Digital Skills
- AI 101 Self-Paced Professional Learning for Educators - create a code.org account (we suggest signing in with Google using your PISD email), work through 5 units, 60 min each
- Watch the DLT webinar on this page titled "Opportunities for ChatGPT in Education".
- View the upcoming training schedule at www.pisd.edu/dltclasses.
For assistance with using artificial intelligence tools (like the ones listed in the section "AI Educator Tools"), contact the Digital Learning Team at digitallearningteam@pisd.edu. Also, see the Training section.
Guide to ChatGPT for Parents and Caregivers (Common Sense Media)
A Parent's Guide to ChatGPT (PISD Slide Deck)
5 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Generative AI (Video, 1:52 min)
5 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Generative AI (Article)
- Talk about the benefits and risks of using artificial intelligence
- Try out AI tools together
- Talk about biases in tech
- Have conversations about plagiarism and cheating
- Ask your child's teachers and school for support
AI feedback & guidance from PISD high school students
Student Advisory AI Discussion - April 2024
Using AI Responsibly
✨AI is a tool, not a replacement for your thinking: See AI content as a starting point and not a final solution.
✨Monitor for Bias and Accuracy: AI might occasionally produce biased or incorrect content. Always double-check outputs.
✨Protect Privacy: Don’t include personal details like names or addresses.
(Reference: MagicSchool.AI)
PISD Digital Citizenship website - pisd.edu/digcit: Being committed to digital citizenship keeps students inclusive, informed, engaged, balanced, and alert about their use of digital tools.
AI Tools for Students
Knowt - AI flashcard maker (Free alternative to Quizlet) Note that there are many ads that could be distracting.