• Welcome home to PISD, new teachers!

    The Digital Learning Team (Clara Alaniz, Fern Johnson, Leah Heerema, and Lilly Jensby) is excited to have you here! 

    Please go to: pisd.edu/getconnected

     get connected pisd technology training

    What you will find on the Get Connected site is information on:

    • Acceptable Use Guidelines
    • Accessibility information
    • Email & Voicemail
    • Password
    • Skyward Gradebook training (provided by your campus PLANner)
    • Printing
    • Software & Network information
    • Optional: 2-hour, self-paced "New Teacher Tech Fundamentals" Canvas course
    • To Do! actionable items
  • Digital Learning Tools


    pisd.edu/it - Instructional Technology's one-stop-shop for all your technology program and technology integration needs. Check out the "Technology Resources" page at the top of a directory of programs and instructions on how to access and use them. 


    pisd.edu/webdesk - single sign-on access to all your PISD programs (gradebook, email online, employee service center, textbooks, etc.).  Having login problems?  Follow the steps on this document: bit.ly/top5tips21.

    Chromebook Academy

    pisd.edu/chromebooks - Tips and best practices to help guide teachers, students, and parents on how to use their Chromebooks.

    Teacher Pages

    pisd.edu/teacher - Instructions about how you can create your page on your school's website. 

    Digital Learning & Creation Resources

    pisd.edu/digital - resources that you can use to assess, collaborate, engage, and improve student/teacher learning outcomes.

    We have district licenses for these awesome tools!

    See the list here: https://www.pisd.edu/licenses (Kami, Pear Deck, Seesaw, & more!)

    Staff Resources

    www.pisd.edu/stafftech - Webdesk, Gradebook, Email, etc. from one hub. 

  • What can the Digital Learning Team (DLT) do for you?
    Who are we? Highly motivated and experienced educators who support teachers, staff, administrators, and curriculum teams in creating future-ready learning environments.

    How can we help you? Whether it is helping you earn a Google Certified Educator certificate, getting ideas for how to use Chromebooks in your classroom, or needing a hand to hold through the basics, this team is here to support you! We can: 
    - Plan with your team
    - Model and Co-teach
    - Professional development for you/your team (conference periods, before/after school, whole staff, PLCs)

    Contact Us! pisd.edu/DLT

    The DLT supports district initiatives such as the 1:1 Chromebook rollout and online textbook support. Each specialist supports multiple curriculum areas and coordinates campus technology professional learning at over 70 campuses across the district. 

    ETSI (Educational Technology Success Initiative) is a summer professional learning experience, created by the Digital Learning Team, designed to empower teachers on each campus with technology integration ideas/skills/strategies. Earn several hours of PD credit and hone your ed tech skills! We hope you'll sign up next summer! Learn more at pisd.edu/etsi.